Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wattpad Storys!!

If anyone wants to read my storys on wattpad. Please, tell me! Commett below Please and Ill give you the site. Thanks!!

Wattpad Storys!!

If anyone wants to read my storys on wattpad. Please, tell me! Commett below Please and Ill give you the site. Thanks!!

Hunger Games

Commett if you are in love with the Hunger Games and Tell me why you love it.


      Why does everyone get on facebook? Why is it important to get on facebook? I never knew it was so important to many people. Some people have it to connect to friends in high school or their family they couldn't call. Some people have it because if their friends move away they still can talk back and forth. Oh and lovers can talk on facebook, Some might not have phone's so they use facebook to connect them.